Message to the Workers and Advocates

All Reproductive Justice Workers and Advocates Join us for Real Change

Trusted Collectives in Reproductive Justice

$70 Gift Certificate included

Resources for life, real change is Here

Reproductive Justice

In my 30 years teaching psychology my theory of change I.N.T.A.C.T.™

and being an advocate, activist for the right to one's own body, STILL, many people do not understand the significance of people becoming empowered in reproductive rights through social justice. But many people realize the immediacy of RJ rights implanted in every aspect of our lives. So as Health and Wellness and Financial consultants... and coaches… we are gathering at a specially named event... the Compassion CHARRETTE to bring RJ activists together demographically, virtually engaging, sharing and getting questions answered about your physical, mental and financial health for example

Who's behind the Compassion Charrete

The collectives behind the Compassion Charrette range from activist, entrepreneurs, frontline workers and more

Inspired be a vision of real change, Lisa Cain and group of Collectives, created, funded and assembled the most comprehensive Charrette for effective change that anyone has every attempted.
The Compassion Charrette is about helping activists, frontline workers, and caregivers relax, recharge, breathe and become apart of something bigger than we are individually.

Professor Cain

Creator and Founder of the Compassion Charrette

contact me

Add Lisa to your 'Trusted Collectives'

Find Your Preferred City

Due to the Pandemic, the Compassion Charrette will be online, but that changes nothing with the dynamics or the impact of the compassion charrette. We will have a great time and the friends you will have for life after the event is immesurable.

Select Your City HERE >>>

Charrette Itinerary

See all of the things that will happen during this great, fun, cozy and compassionate event
The idea event for those who may be experiencing "compassion fatigue" and want to be around possitive people that they will be able to depend on.

Charrette Itinerary >>>